@The Fall Guy
This Witness says that they're called Jehovah's Witnesses because they imitate Jesus' example to give honor to his father, or something.
i ask this because from what i read on this board lately is that they jw`s seem to be very reluctant to engage in conversation with anybody nowadays and are only interested in placing literature at carts.. and if anyone brings up questions in their d2d work that challenge them ( like the arc ) they will promptly excuse themselves and move on.
also didn`t jesus say "this good news of the kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth " for a witness ?.
when was the last time you heard a jw speak about "the good news of the kingdom" ?
@The Fall Guy
This Witness says that they're called Jehovah's Witnesses because they imitate Jesus' example to give honor to his father, or something.
He looks like a Minion in that pic.
that is a question i want to calmly and politely ask a witness next time i interact with them.
perhaps at a cart.. "the bible says we should be humble.
may i ask, are you humble enough to admit you were wrong on things you believe?
@stillin Oh yeah. Also, "I can appreciate you feel that way" - such a word game. It's not a "feeling" we have, but rather cold, hard, simple facts. By relegating what we're saying to a mere feeling, the JWs have no issue mentally dismissing the points we raise. And "well, it seems you've already made your mind up about these things and the Witnesses, so there's no point getting into it further" - I'm sorry... whose mind is the one firmly made up? We're open to reason and discussion and varying opinions. We're not the ones terminating conversations with such a quaint cliche. And "we're not here to debate." Of course not. You're here to preach AT people, no matter how many times you say, "we love to discuss the Bible with people and learn more about them."
i have noticed in the uk a few families i used to know while in the borg have exited together.
some include former elders and ministerial servants.
i observed on social media pages that the kids have 'worldly' boyfriends and girlfriends and they look so much happier than they did in the org.
@pomo6780: "...they look so much happier than they did in the Org. In fact, they look healthier and more vibrant."
Whaaaaat?! You mean, they don't look like this?!
for me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, it's the extreme shunning policy.. at a recent sunday meeting, i listened to a complete brainwashed sister saying how important it was that we stick to the shunning policy even if it is a close relative.. i just thought.
there is a big difference between the brainwashed and the awoken class!.
@stuckinarut2: "This is so damaging, because when a witness FINALLY learns those things, they are HEARTBROKEN AND PISSED OFF that the organisation they thought was Gods channel, is corrupt!"
for me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, it's the extreme shunning policy.. at a recent sunday meeting, i listened to a complete brainwashed sister saying how important it was that we stick to the shunning policy even if it is a close relative.. i just thought.
there is a big difference between the brainwashed and the awoken class!.
@Venus That's incredible.
Comment of the year for me.
@stuckinarut2 Here you go:
Here's another one summarizing what the WT has been doing for over a century now:
i'm sorry if this is in the wrong category!
i am formerly adimmedlight, or something close to that.
i have been lurking here a few years now and while i did make an account before, i used a fake email (i no longer remember it, since it was made only to log in the one time i posted.. )because i was so paranoid people in my home town would discover me and "out" me.
@stuckinarut2 Man, I can't wait to reach that stage. I've been inactive for six months and am still sitting in the privacy of my own home on this forum like:
i recently asking this women out who here has problems with women after being a jw.
i still do.
i will try to talk with with women..
@freddo EW, no! Those are stock standard, generic questions that she's most likely SICK of answering (everyone asks the same cookie cutter questions when meeting someone new - be it with romantic or platonic intentions).
Avoid sounding like you're interviewing her, @Holden Caufield. I don't have any snazzy acronyms for you, but try be a little creative. If you're bold enough, even joke during the moments of uneasy silences that a buddy of yours gave you this acronym to help you get through it, lol. You could turn it into a game! Tell her she has to guess what the F-O-R-D stands for. Have a laugh. This could bring out the playful nature in both of you and ease the tension. Plus, that kind of conversation will be memorable for her :).
hey everyone.
i have a question and i hope i'm not confusing this with something else i heard.
while watching ex jw videos on youtube many of them talk about how noah's ark and the flood didn't happen and it's impossible.